Ultimate weapon tier list the legends are placed into loose tiers to represent their relative position against each other. How to play revenant in apex legends.
Apex Legends King S Canyon Character Tier List Game Rant
Apex legends revenant tier list. Your mileage may vary some players dont get on with wraith at all while. Apex legends season 5 character tier list. Season 5 of apex legends is now live and after some pretty surprising balance changes the new meta has shifted quite a bit for some legends. His kit in theory is good it was just executed in a way that made revenant an extremely under powered legend. No one has found quite the right way to use the simulacrum yet but so far during his reign as the newest apex legends character his abilities are leaving much to the imagination. Since then a few more additions to the apex legends tier list 2020 have appeared like crypto revenant and the newly released loba in season 5.
Revenants stalker ability is probably one of the more useful passives. Revenant is the new legend for season 4 and unfortunately he is extremely underwhelming. Read more what the apex legends ranked split means. Apex legends is much more varied in 2020 going into our apex legends tier list 2020 the battle royale title is now more than a year old and approaching a year and a half at this point. Best guns in apex legends. Apex legends season 4 character tier list.
His tactical silence allows him to render the enemys tactical and ultimate. Heres red bulls definitive list of apex legends full character roster ranked and tiered from worst to greatest. Even with recent updates to revenants abilities he still cant stack up to the s a tier legends. Apex legends has 13 unique heroes. In this tier list the legends are being evaluated by the following three criteria. Revenant is a new addition to the legends lineup.
Revenant is a legend that was released in season 4he can be unlocked using 750 or 12000. Apex legends tier list season 4. Revenant is an offensive legend who specializes in ambushes and pushing the enemy. Apex legends has had a bit of a meta shift with season 4 on worlds edge and here is where all of the legends land on the tier list. His passive stalker gives him the ability to climb higher and crouch walk faster perfect for silently and quickly ambushing other squads. And tier list by steven petite and jacob roach may 13 2020 youve read our.