All in the one place. Our pubg best to worst weapons page lists all weapons in the game with comprehensive stats and a tier list for each category.
Pubg Best Guns All The Pubg Gun Damage Stats Weapon Tier
Pubg ar tier list. You can view the top 3 best guns in pubg for each weapon type like snipers assault rifles and even shotguns. We use cookies to make the site more comfortable for you. It takes a long time to reload and uses the ammo you can use for an akm. Tier weapon set weapon damage per match. Throwable weapons tier list 1 stun grenade. While they dont boast the ammo limit of light machine guns they trade it for a much higher accuracysimilarly there is a trade off with higher accuracy weapons like dmrs or sniper rifles in that those weapons have a much lower rate of fire and ammo capacity compared.
Explore pubg weapon tier lists from gosuai. Ideal for any distance. However it is the most powerful handgun in game so if you dont have an akm and you dont have any other choice you can use this to go dirty harry on your foes. By continuing to use this website. Welcome to our playerunknowns battlegrounds best weapons tier list. Assault rifles are weapons with medium high ammo capacity and the ability to place a lot of rounds downrange quickly.
Theres a whole host of weaponry up for grabs in pubg and if youre unfamiliar with the game it can be difficult knowing which you should be equipping or leaving by the wayside. Ar guns is the most important guns in pubg mobile every single player using these ar guns because ar guns plays an important role in our skills so lets checkout damage bullet speed dps fire range and more useful information about pubg. The oldest weapon in pubg is certainly not the best. In this section i will provide all the exact information of pubg mobile assault rifles guns in short we can say all the details of pubg mobile ar guns.