Fer si 30 rowan si 30 lyca si 20 tasi si 10 another situational champ arthur for maximization in crit eironn for more cc nemora for healing this comp utilize. Afk arena best team.

Signature Item Tier List Afkarena
Afk arena tier list team. Afk arena early game tier list level 1 60 the afk arena early game tier list ranks heroes based on their abilities to finishing the early games effectively and efficiently. June 19 2020 november 28 2019 by adeel syed. Tier list is divided into early game pre 100 and mid game pre 160 followed by team composition guide. A list of good team comps to use in afk arena. Heres another good team comp to run in pvp and pve its called team evan created by a vietnamese player with ign evan in vn afk community 4 core champs. Afk arena is a casual game specially designed for those who have no time to invest in other immersive role playing games.
Afk arena a rank tier list. That is why we made this afk arena tier list to help. Nemora tasi lyca shemira brutus this is the best list of heroes that you can choose. I appreciate guides like this a lot but as a new player to afk arena im struggling to get much use out of these tier lists because mid game. Best team for afk arena. They are usually the heroes that can carry their teams with the least investment possible.
It offers a perfect combination of character building team battles and unlocking of powerful characters that you can organize in unbeatable teams. 61 160 covers such a huge range of skill increases and the guides generally do not note things like the shemira gotcha only really becomes good at 141. Afk arena best team. The last 19 levels of a 99 level bracket. Due to the influx of newer players after global launch to help people have an idea who they should invest in and who they shouldnt this tier list will hopefully give players a good idea who can get them through the earlymid game with ease and ways they should structure their team.