Apex legends weapons tier list because apex legends is still so new itll take some time for a legitimate weapons tier list to shake out. However since its obviously not as precise as the kraber rifle the mastiff gets the second place in our tier list.
Realm Royale Weapons List Best Weapons Tier List And
Apex legends guns tier list reddit. Currently rpm can be modified for all shotguns by using a shotgun bolt attachment. Its also very accurate for a shotgun. Apex legends weapon tier list best guns in season 5. Below ive created a handy table of our rankings of every gun in apex legends within their weapon class for season 5. 20 416 the mastiff shotgun is an exceptional weapon. The victory lap octane legendary apex legends skin.
144 8x18 headshot damage. Apex legends weapon tier list. It has the highest dps of all of guns in apex legends. Extreme measures octane legendary apex legends skin. The ultimate apex legends gun tier list every single weapon in respawns popular battle royale ranked from best to worst in season 5 and beyond. Early reddit rapex legends weapon tier list.
Keep in mind every gamers playstyle is different and these guns require a different type of skills. The developer supported community run subreddit dedicated to apex legends made. Rounds per minute rpm frequency in which bullets of a certain gun are fired. The bullets are still slow the fire speed is outclassed by the r 99 by a lot the lack of barrel modding makes it have a harder to control recoil negligible given skill and the only thing it has going for it is its large mag. Ive tried to take into account the power levels of each weapon as well as their dependency upon attachments. The old ways event.
Despite the devotion being a favorite amongst the community the m600 spitfire is arguably the most practical machine gun out of the two. Some guns like the vk 47 flatline and the prowler burst pdw dont support it. 999k members in the apexlegends community. And as the meta changes with new game updates so will. Click to share on reddit opens in new window recent posts. 8 august 2020.
Apex legends guns individual weapon pages. The weapon with the lowest rpm in the game right now is the charge rifle with the highest being the r 99. To get a quick overlook we created this apex legends weapon tier list where you should get an idea what you should keep your eyes on while looting. 13k votes 457 comments.